

Saturday, 30 May 2020


Dear Fireseed

Thank you for contacting me about Domino Comings. Also thank you for all you have done to observe the lockdown and to help us defeat the spread of the Covid-91 virus. I appreciate how hard it has been for everyone at this difficult time.

[INSERT IF THERE HAS BEEN A BEREAVEMENT] May I add my condolences to the recent loss of your family member.

I have taken time to look at this important issue, and take in all of the detail over the last few days. I listened to Mr Comings' statement and felt that this was comprehensive and sincere. The police concluded “there might have been a minor breach of the Regulations” and the case has been closed with no further action required as going to Durham was within the rules. I believe if a constituent in a similar position worried about who would take care of their child had sought advice from my office, I would have advised as per the guidance that they must do what they believe is necessary in exceptional circumstances.

I am very aware of the anger and frustration this has caused to many constituents. I am aware of the sacrifices people have made. I have made the Prime Minister’s office aware of their frustrations when I have spoken to them over the past few days. Representing our great local area is an honour and a privilege, and even when I disagree I am happy to represent my constituents nonetheless. I think that it is now time to draw a line under this issue.

Everyone has made sacrifices over these last few months that they could never have imagined, including not being able to see sick family and friends and even attend funerals. Some of the language in this debate however has been unnecessary and unpleasant. I feel deeply uncomfortable with the hounding that Domino's family have received and were receiving prior to the family leaving for Durham, accounting for part of the reason to leave.

Some of you may think that I am just ‘toeing the line’ but I want to assure you this is my genuine view. Many people have lost trust in politics and ask that politicians speak more candidly. As your MP I see it as my job to be honest and candid with you. My focus throughout this pandemic has been to use my role as an MP to offer support, guidance and help to people across the constituency. That is where my focus will remain.

Best wishes

Carrie Sandbank MP

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