

Thursday, 26 May 2011


i just heard something terribly terribly sad
the chap who ran our organic box farm in herefordshire just passed away
he was the same age as me
cancer stole him away from his farm and his family
from his wife and three kids
from his friends and colleagues
from his apple orchards and his vegetable gardens
from his purple broccoli and his lollo rosso lettuces
from his brassicas and curly kale
i met mike hamilton
he gave us a tour of his orchards
gave us an insight into the perils and rewards of organic husbandry
he showed us a wasp that had bored its way into one of his baby apples
his solar-powered electronic field sensors
that warn his staff when fruit flies will soon be on the wing
and it's time to protect the apples with soapy water
it was mike who showed us the chickens that keep the grass down
who introduced us to the farm's organic bee-keeper
who poured us delicious cups of cloudy apple juice
and served us tasty sarnies on crusty bread
a day out in the may sunshine two years ago
and now a lifetime passes
it is an achingly sad day
i feel for mike's family, friends and colleagues
i regret the suffering he must have endured
this strong vital man diminished
as his life ebbed away
although his memory lives on
every hour god sends us wings

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